Singing Guide: David Jones

Singing Guide: David Jones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Bowie

David Jones, otherwise known as David Bowie, was a unique and influential singer-songwriter who is known for his distinctive voice and distinctive style. He was incredibly versatile, able to take on many different personas throughout his career, from Ziggy Stardust to the Thin White Duke.

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Bowie, the first thing you should do is become familiar with his discography. Bowie's music is full of diverse vocal styles and techniques, so start with some of the songs that showcase his range. You may want to start with "Starman," which features his iconic voice and soaring melodies, or "Changes," which features his distinctive timbre and phrasing. Bowie's later work, such as "Heroes" and "Let's Dance," showcase his powerful vocals and his ability to experiment with different genres.

Once you're familiar with Bowie's music, it's time to begin practicing and studying his vocal techniques. Some of the key elements of Bowie's singing style include powerful vibrato, clear and articulate enunciation, and a willingness to experiment with different vocal registers. To get started, begin by practicing breath control exercises and vocal warm-ups.

For further guidance, the Singing Carrots website has many helpful resources to help you learn how to sing like Bowie. The platform offers a Vocal Range Test to help you identify your range and compare yourself to Bowie's. You can also use Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to make sure you're hitting the right notes and the Vocal Pitch Monitor to see how your notes are aligning with a virtual piano. For pitch training, Singing Carrots offers an Interactive Vocal Warm-Up tool, an Exercise tool for range and agility practice, and a Pitch Visualizer.

In addition to technical skills and exercises, Singing Carrots offers articles to help guide you in your singing journey. Some articles that are particularly relevant to learning how to sing like Bowie are Voice Types, Voice Registers & Vocal Break, Breath Support, Vocal Distortion & Growling, Singing with Vibrato, and Articulation.

The Singing Carrots video list includes various exercises related to skills such as Twang, Growling, Vibrato, breathing control, Articulation, Chest Voice, Voice Registers, Nasality, performing, and more.

By combining your own practice sessions with the guidance of Singing Carrots and the vocal techniques of Bowie, you'll be well on your way to learning how to sing like this iconic performer. Good luck, and keep on singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.